Contents tagged with shopper buying behaviour

27 June 2024

How important are seasonal events for lamb demand? We explore the opportunities

27 June 2024

How important are seasonal events for beef demand? We explore the opportunities

27 June 2024

How important are seasonal events for dairy demand? We explore the opportunities

27 June 2024

How important are seasonal events for pork demand? We explore the opportunities

27 June 2024

How important are seasonal events for red meat and dairy demand? We explore the opportunities

12 February 2024

After shoppers have been tempted by inspiration on pack, they look to make informed choices around provenance.

10 May 2024

Within the hierarchy of information, sustainability and animal welfare specifics were seen as nice to have rather than essential on packs.

12 February 2024

To try and reduce clutter on labels but still provide all the information shoppers may be looking for, QR codes are a good option.

12 February 2024

Shoppers want to be inspired by red meat labelling, with tasty food imagery and cooking details a key driver of purchase.

12 February 2024

After shoppers have been tempted by inspiration on pack, they look to make informed choices around health.

23 April 2024

As the fourth instalment of our Reinventing Retail series, AHDB has undertaken research with the aim to understand how red meat packaging and labelling can be optimised.

2 January 2024

Online shopping is growing and red meat sales increased 57% on year. However, there are barriers to shopping for red meat online and it doesn't achieve its fair share of the market.
